Wild Game Dinner
Special guest Pete Rogers of Christian Outdoors Podcast. Enjoy a bluegrass band, meal, silent auction and more!
Pete Rogers is a graduate from the University of South Carolina and earned a Masters in Divinity degree from Erskine Theological Seminary before being ordained. More than 25 years ago Pete began merging his love for writing with his love of the outdoors.
Pete spends many days a year afield enjoying God’s creation while hunting, fishing, hiking or camping. Taking these and other experiences, Pete has published more than 1,100 articles and 4,000 photographs in his career. His stories and photographs have earned more than 60 awards in literary, photographic, and videography competitions.
Christian Outdoors Podcast covers a wide array of topics near and dear to the heart of host Pete Rogers. Rogers is dedicated to covering all areas of the outdoor lifestyle. “I have long been entrenched in the hunting, fishing, and trapping arena, and love it there. But there are dozens of other outdoor activities that we can reach with this podcast. I hope to include episodes on camping, backpacking, hiking, skiing, off-road riding, mountain biking, and anything else I can think of.” In addition, there will be interviews with well-known outdoor folk who are passionate about Christ and what he has done for them. When the opportunity presents itself, Rogers will also cover topics near and dear to the hearts of many Christians, or those seeking Christ.